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Dragon Awakened: A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance (Cursed Fae Book 1) Page 6

  Her brows furrowed. “Why?”

  “I am the leader of the resistance. I have kept my identity a secret so that I could fund those who want to overthrow my father. You know where I stand, but—I have to come clean about something.”

  She listened, almost dizzy from his spell. Was this his psychic powers affecting her? Whatever it was, it made her stomach flutter and her knees weak.

  “There’s some magical power pulling me to you. I can’t resist it,” he said, stroking her cheeks with his thumb.

  She nodded, urging him to go on. What was happening? Whatever it was, she didn’t want it to stop.

  “And, I don’t want to,” he whispered, and before she could reply, he claimed her mouth.

  The shock immobilized her, but without a second thought, she gave in, submitting to her boiling desire for him. He wrapped his arms around her, their tongues dancing.

  She closed her eyes, pushing aside the fear of him being a High Fae, and releasing her thoughts to make way for the surge of emotion that filled her.

  Heat rose from her thighs, pooling in her core as he pressed his knee between her legs, parting them, and ran his hands down her back to cup her butt.

  They were alone, and she was grateful, but as he kissed her throat and slid his hands up her thighs, lifting her onto the wall, she wouldn’t have noticed or cared if anyone had been there.

  The days as his mistress had left her weak, and as they kissed under the moonlight, she knew there was no going back.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Their footsteps tapped along the wooden floor as Theron led her back to her room. Grateful for his care and attention, she lingered in her doorway, and touched his cheek with her hand.

  The evening had been better than she could have imagined, and though she wanted more of his touch and kiss, she gave him a coy smile, restraining herself.

  “Thank you,” she said. “For everything you’re doing for me, and my kind.”

  He took her hand and kissed her knuckles. “I hope that one day you’ll learn that I’d do anything for you.”

  She smiled, despite herself, and nodding, closing the door. “Good night.”

  Once she was alone, she sighed, and began undressing.

  She changed from her tight lavender gown, and into a much simpler nightgown.

  She looked in the mirror and smoothed her hair over her shoulders. The doors to her balcony opened, and she looked over her shoulders, knowing who stepped inside.

  “Kellan,” she said, a smile coming to her face.

  He met her halfway, and she jumped into his arms, wrapping her arms and legs around him.

  He held her tight. “Tell me, is everything all right?”

  She sighed into the crevice between his neck and shoulder, and breathed him in. Such a sweet scent of fresh air and the woods. For a moment, she wished to be whisked away by him so that they could fly through the night, far, far away.

  “The prince,” she said, defeated. “I fear I’m falling for him.”

  His eyes darkened, and she knew those words hurt him more than he’d admit.

  “This is dangerous, Mila,” he said, finally. “I don’t like it. I don’t trust any of them. Let me take you away from here.”

  She looked into his eyes. “There is no need to worry about me, Kellan. I just need to perfect the sun spell. I’ll be able to banish the curse and stop the king from enslaving us all.”

  “That again?” Kellan said, distastefully. “How do you know it will work against the king?”

  Shrugging, she smoothed his hair with her hands. “I have to try. It’s my only defense against them.”

  He searched her eyes, and finally, nodded. “Very well. If you believe it is so, I put my trust in you.”

  “Thank you,” she said, smiling. “You are the best friend a girl could ever have.”

  Sighing, he returned her smile. “Let’s practice then. While the night is young.”

  Mila, dressed in her nightgown, stood on the balcony. Her hair and gown blew in the cool breeze, as she watched Kellan shift into a dragon.

  His wings and talons were magnificent, his eyes glowing in the darkness.

  Those eyes turned to her and he nodded, urging her forward. She smiled, ready to fly, and leaped onto his back, holding onto his neck as he took off.

  They flew high above the manor, and away from the prince’s grounds. She held on tight, but craned her neck back to let the wind blow on her face. Nothing was as exhilarating as riding a dragon.

  She touched the clouds with her fingertips, her eyes locked on the moon as they passed it by. The moon brought such beauty, but in this world, one must proceed with caution, for it also brought great power to nocturnal creatures, and the High Fae who ruled their world.

  “There,” she said, pointing to a clearing in the woods. “Let’s stop there.”

  He nodded, and they plunged toward the earth, speeding through the sky.

  Once they landed, she took her place in the center of the clearing. Kellan shifted into his human form, and sat on the ground, watching.

  Under the light of the moon, she closed her eyes, drawing her focus to the stirring of magic within.

  “What does it feel like?” Kellan asked, and she smiled.

  “Much like your magic,” she said, conjuring a bright light that emitted from her hands. “Like, when you become a dragon, I imagine.”

  Then, she tapped into her energy, clearing her thoughts and reminding herself of the fear and desire to protect her lover and friend from the High Fae in the abandoned village.

  Her eyes popped open.

  That was it.

  It was that easy.

  As she looked to Kellan, she imagined when they’d first met. He’d been left behind by his people near the river, weeping as the sun began to set.

  With her father by her side, she’d approached, her heart aching for his loss.

  Tears burned her eyes as she looked at Kellan, remembering that pain they shared as children. Light shot from within her very soul, like slivers through a broken glass, burning within the air and into the sky.

  She fell to her knees, and took Kellan’s hands into hers.

  “You’re doing it,” he said, eyes widened.

  She wrapped her arms around his throat. “I am,” she said. “Because of you.”

  As she held onto him, she tried to wrap her mind around the truth of her magic.

  It didn’t come from a mysterious place.

  It came from love.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Theron, one month later…

  On the day of the tournament, Theron faced Surine’s greatest warrior. He lowered his sword, having just demolished the young High Fae’s winning streak in front of both of their crowds.

  Winner of the autumn championship received a massive ball planned for them at the palace where all of the tribes would gather to celebrate.

  As if Theron needed a party. He didn’t do this for the glory or attention. He had enough of that. He did it for the rush, and a chance to escape the absolute boredom of his life.

  Before Mila, parties had been a welcome escape. But, now that she had arrived, every action needed to have purpose—meaning.

  He bowed to his opponent, and turned away, a cheer rising from the crowd. He smiled at them, basking in his own glory.

  Theron ripped off his fencing uniform, and pulled his shirt over his head.

  The women in the crowd leaped from their seats and waved at him. His eyes scanned the crowd.

  It was amazing to see the disparity in class. The lower class women tried their best to blend in, but they stood out like a fly in a bowl of milk, wearing cheap clothing from various outdated trends. The upper-class women and ladies with titles wore the best dresses, with shining silk and satin.

  There was no middle class in Veruth.

  Never had been.

  His smile faltered the moment his eyes landed Mila. She stood out in the crowd, her vibrant auburn hair and smooth br
own skin illuminated by the red dress she wore. She was his, but it was all a game, an act.

  At least, that what it was supposed to be. The more he spent time with her, the more he wanted it to be true.

  Nonsense, he told himself. We have a mission. And, I just met her.

  Still, when their eyes met, something unspoken passed between them. He wondered if she felt it too. Speaking of her eyes, they lifted and met. The Mila within them glistened under the light of the moon.

  His smile returned and he waved to her. The crowd went wild, turning to witness who had the prince’s highly coveted attention.

  It was then that he realized he’d made a mistake, for King Cosimo stepped into the colliseum, and turned his hawk-like gaze on Mila.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Mila held onto her arm of the chair and held her breath as the king approached.

  He looked nothing like Theron. With a dark beard, olive-toned skin, and a sharp nose, he looked to be in his forties, though everyone knew him to be as ancient as Veruth itself.

  His glittering green eyes met Mila’s nearly sucking her breath away. The sizzle of magic clung to him, almost visible as he walked to stand before her.

  “My lady,” he said.

  Every woman in the stadium shot looks at Mila, jealousy turning their faces pink. First, the prince waved to her. Now, the king spoke to her.

  Mila pointed to herself. “Me?”

  “Yes,” he said, chuckling. “What is your name?”

  Mila hoped her voice would come out without cracking, or that she would be able to keep her cool under such pressure.

  “Lady Mila Rhodes.”

  She said it properly, but that didn’t release the tension in her abdomen.

  “Lady Mila Rhodes,” the king repeated. “Lovely name. I hear you are my son’s new mistress.”

  Her cheeks burned red. “I wouldn’t call myself a mistress, your royal highness.”

  He chuckled. “Call it what you will. Mistress. Slave. Lover. He has good taste. Join me for lunch.”

  Mila began to reply when King Cosimo turned to head toward the exit.

  It wasn’t a request.

  It was clearly an order.

  A short fae man approached her, a smile on his plump pink face. He gave her a slight bow.

  “My lady, come this way.”

  Mila and Theron exchanged glances from across the room.

  “Okay,” she said, following him.

  “Any allergies between the two of you? Peanuts? Eggs? Shellfish? Anything we should warn the kitchen about?”

  Mila shook her head.

  She followed him down the aisle to the archway that led to the exit.

  Mila averted her eyes, avoiding the looks everyone seemed to give her as she walked by. She wasn’t used to being stared at, even growing up in a town where only a few others had brown skin that matched hers. It was rare, for her father’s people were not native to Veruth. They came from the southern isles, and were looked to as foreigners.

  Mother always said it made her different, and different could be beautiful.

  The archway led to a circular corridor that wrapped around the arena with multiple doors opening to the outside parking area.

  Her heart raced, and yet she kept a cool demeanor.

  Does he know who I am?

  She resisted chewing her bottom lip as people were still watching her.

  He’d never seen her and had no idea what she looked like.

  She breathed in and strove to calm her nerves.

  Stop worrying, she told herself. Everything is going to be fine.

  She wished she believed that.

  Chapter Twenty

  Six guards dressed in heavy silver armor waited for them outside. Spectators stood back and made room for Mila and Prince Theron to pass them by.

  The moon was bright, beaming its mystical rays onto them.

  “Mind the mud, my lady. We wouldn’t want you to soil your pretty dress,” he said in a calm voice that revealed nothing of what they were both about to encounter.

  Mila lifted a brow, but kept silent.

  A shining black carriage awaited them on the main thoroughfare, two massive horses ready to pull them along.

  The carriage door was opened by one of the valets.

  This was a dangerous mission. But, the lives of Emory and the humans of the world were worth it.

  She forced a smile for the valet and sat down in plush seat that lined the inside of the carriage.

  The horses began to pull them along, and from the city streets.

  Her features relaxed as she realized just how much power she had as the last sorceress of her line.

  She shouldn’t fear them.

  They should fear her.

  The ride to the king’s country estate was much longer than Mila had anticipated. The short detour from the day’s plan was looking to be like more of an extended event.

  “How far is this place?” Mila asked Theron.

  “Only a few more minutes. Don’t worry. We are almost there.” He patted Mila on the hand. “You’re doing just fine.”


  “Yes,” he said, and fingered the hem of her dress. “This dress is a magic spell of its own. I fear what I’ll do if my father lays a hand on you.”

  Her head tilted as she looked at him. What did he mean? Did he truly fancy her in that way, or was it all an act?

  Mila breathed in, and relaxed, leaning back into the soft seat. She glanced out the window, mystified by the beautiful city that they passed by.

  White capped trees lined the road, and mountains of purple stood in the distance.

  As they drove through the winding maze of a city, people paused to watch the procession as the king led the way on the back of a Pegasus. She marveled at the white wings as they glowed along the night sky.

  Where the king managed to find such an enchanting creature was a mystery, but she feared there was nothing that he couldn’t make his own.

  Before long, the carriage pulled into a brass gate and down a long path that cut through yards of lush green grass.

  Mila sat up in her seat at her first glimpse of the estate. The white building was a stark contrast to the simple buildings of the city. It was built in the dwarfish style: bricks, wood, and stone.

  The carriage stopped in the front, where a circular road wound around a fountain with a statue of a woman pouring water from a jug into the pool. A walkway lined with pink and white bushes led to a set of wide stone steps that wrapped around the entire front of the castle.

  “This should be very interesting,” Theron said, his eyes fixed ahead.

  Mila nodded. Of course.

  She had a king to kill.

  Dressed in a black jerkin with white puffy sleeves, with a bald head, the valet held a hand out to them and helped Mila onto the stone path.

  Light spilled inside from the dozens of large windows that faced where the sun rose.

  Staff waited for them, all lined up in two rows on either side.

  “Good day, your highness,” a tall older woman said, curtsying to him. Then, she turned to Mila, her eyes going up and down her body. “King Cosimo will join you for supper shortly. This way for refreshments.”

  They nodded and followed her along the shiny mahogany wood floor through the foyer and to a sitting room decorated with traditional furnishings.

  As Mila stood inside the sitting room with Prince Theron, she noticed a spread of cold cuts, fruit, cheese, and an assortment of bread set to the right side of the room on a white tablecloth draped over a long table.

  Mila was also surprised to see three High Fae men inside, dressed in fine light armor and drinking bubbling liquid from their tall, skinny glasses.

  They paused their conversation and looked to Mila and Theron. Their eyes lit up at the sight of the beautiful woman before them.

  The three men all bowed to Prince Theron.

  “Hello, Lord Smight, Duke Canter, and
Counselor Hexley,” Theron said. This is Lady Mila Rhodes of Exeter.”

  “Pleased to meet you, my lady,” Lord Smight said, approaching.

  I’m surrounded by High Fae.

  The thought churned her stomach.

  “Can I get you a beverage?” Counselor Hexley asked, but had the young uniformed servants attending the table do so anyway.

  “Thank you,” Mila said, accepting her own bubbling drink.

  “It’s a special blend,” Counselor Hexley said, stirring his drink with a long white stick. “I believe it’s made with chilled wine, berries, and sweet and sour tonic.”

  He watched her, and Mila realized that he was waiting for her to taste it. She drank a tiny sip and smiled.

  “It’s delicious,” she said and took a bigger sip. She wasn’t lying. It was one of the best drinks she’d ever tasted.

  Lord Smight stood next to her, closer than she was comfortable with, but she smiled at him nonetheless.

  “Excuse us, gentlemen,” the prince said, and pulled Mila along by the hand toward the chairs set before the windows.

  “Sit with me,” he said. “Let’s go over a few things before my father arrives.”

  As soon as Mila sat down, she had to stand back up as Prince Theron entered the room.

  Dressed in a white suit and red cape, he brightened the room with his charming smile. She gulped. It had to be an act. She hadn’t expected the evil tyrant to be both handsome and charming.

  Everyone bowed to him as he walked in.

  Mila dipped into a low curtsey, her head bowed. When she looked back up, he was walking straight toward her. She stood to her full height and tried to contain her anxiety.

  Her heart skipped a beat and she damned her cheeks for blushing. A million scenarios raced through her head as she watched him approach.

  None of them were good.

  “Lady Mila,” he said, reaching for her hand.

  Mila smiled. “Hello, King Cosimo. Thank you for the generous invitation to your home. I am deeply honored.”