The Dragon's Pledge Read online
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A gasp came from those assembled, and the Davidian brothers looked from Thane to Elle.
To break the curse, would change everything.
He stepped forward, and took her hands into his.
“Will you be mine, Elle? Queen of the Shiran. Queen—of the dragons.”
She nearly choked on her gasp. Alexi meant for her to be his queen. She never expected to have a choice—especially between kings.
Her blood ran cold, and her heart raced.
Dear gods. What a mess I’m in.
Silence filled the entire length of the great hall—silence that rang in Elle’s ears as she stared into the golden eyes of the king of Shiran.
While the bright candlelit chandeliers cast an eerie glow onto everyone assembled, Elle felt as though she stood alone in darkness.
Thane stood before Elle, his bright eyes locked with hers along with everyone else who was in attendance.
In a short span of time, everything in her once-simple life had changed. Things would never be the same.
Alexi gave her hand a squeeze, and she finally took a breath. Though her cheeks were hot, and her heart raced, she couldn’t think of the proper words to say.
He’d just pledged his loyalty and love for her.
With everyone’s eyes on her, she felt more exposed than the fateful day she’d been stripped bare and whipped before the entire monastery.
Finally, she gained the courage to speak. “Shall we talk in private?” Elle asked, quietly.
He nodded, taking a step forward.
“Of course.”
She glanced at Alexi, then to Etian, and noted the angry glint in Drevah’s eyes. Matthias was the only one smiling, though that could have been due to the goblet of wine he sipped.
Her cheeks flushed as King Thane placed his hand on the small of her back and walked at her side.
Nervous, she shared a last look with Alexi before leaving the crowded hall and headed to one of the sitting rooms off the side corridors.
To her surprise, Drevah followed, towering over them both with his imposing frame.
“You’re daft if you think we’re leaving you alone with this one,” he said, nodding to King Thane without addressing him. “My brother just rescued you from him.”
Elle shrugged her shoulders. “Come along then,” she said, not in the mood to debate it.
He followed the two into the room, closed the door, and stood before it, as if guarding it.
She wasn’t sure if it was meant to keep others out or her and King Thane in by the way he glowered at the two of them. She shivered as their eyes met—the way she always did when they shared a look. To think, he was meant to be a mate to her.
She couldn’t even imagine such a thing.
Clearing his throat, King Thane drew her attention, and held a chair out for her to sit in.
She obliged, and lowered herself into the wooden chair with a plush, red cushion. He sat across from her, and leaned his elbows onto his thighs.
“I do hope you’ll take what I’m offering into consideration,” he said. “The Serpent Sisters will follow my rule if you wish to be mine.”
Drevah cleared his throat this time, and King Thane closed his eyes.
“I will have to discuss things with Prince Alexi. I share a soul connection with him,” she said.
He took her hand into his and smoothed the top of it with his thumb. “And, I have a soul connection with you,” he said.
She stared down at their hands, the warmth from his body flooding into hers by a mere touch.
How could that be? Her heart was being tugged in too many places.
“War is coming,” he said, and she shot a startled glance at him.
“What do you mean? How do you know?”
He shrugged a shoulder. “I see everything from my skyward kingdom. Trouble brews in the south, and marches to your door. We can be allies,” he said. “If you’ll have me.”
She licked her lips, consternation filling her expression.
War? Armies marching toward Castilan?
Every nerve tensed at the very thought of blood and fighting. She’d seen enough wasted blood of innocents in her young life. If she could prevent such a fate, she would do anything within her power to do so.
“How would this work?” Elle said. “If I agree to what you propose…”
A smile came to his lips, and for a moment, anything seemed possible.
“You will come to Shiran,” he said. “And, I will cherish you until the end of our days.”
She couldn’t help but return the smile, as her cheeks flushed pink.
“And, as your king, I will fight for you, and the wolves.”
She flickered another look toward Drevah, whose anger lines had softened in his face, if only slightly. If she didn’t know better, she would have thought that even Drevah was beginning to become convinced of the arrangement.
She gave his hand a pat, the feel of his smooth skin beneath hers a delicious reminder of their time in Shiran.
Thane smiled, as if acknowledging her memories of their time together, and they stood.
“I’ll talk to Prince Alexi,” she said.
He nodded. “Very well,” he said, coming to his feet. “I will return in a few days.”
He left then, from the balcony. She stood there and watched as he transformed into the stunning golden dragon, and flew away into the night sky, back to the sky kingdom of Shiran.
As she left the room, Drevah followed close behind.
One moment she was an orphan. Now, she was on the verge of being queen of the dragons.
Wringing her hands, Elle tried to collect her thoughts. Anxiety bubbled in her belly, and Thane’s words filled her mind.
It was an attractive proposal. But, she had yet to accept Alexi’s.
Alexi waited for her outside the sitting room. His face was unreadable, but she could feel the tension in the air as he glanced over her to share a look with Drevah.
“What did he say?” Alexi asked, and Elle stepped aside.
She rubbed her temples, weary under the weight of responsibility and decisions resting on her shoulders.
Drevah shrugged. “Nothing more than what he proclaimed in front of everyone. He says he’ll fight for us. War is coming. So on and so forth.”
The mention of war sent a rush of nausea through her belly and she inhaled, willing it away.
“What does he mean?” Elle asked Alexi. “Are we really at war?”
His jaw clenched, but he looked down at the floor and gave a single nod.
She gasped. “What? Why hasn’t anyone mentioned this to me?”
He shrugged, finally meeting her worried gaze. “It wasn’t your concern.”
Eyes widened, she pursed her lips and backed away. “I see,” she said. She shook her head, appalled. Then, she turned and stormed away from them both.
None of my concern?
“Elle,” Alexi called, but she ignored him.
She huffed and headed away from the two of them. Instead of returning to her room, she left the palace and pushed through the doors to stand in the cold and darkness of the late night.
In the courtyard, she was alone with two guards who stood watch outside the door.
She stiffened as Alexi joined her outside.
She glanced at him. “I came out here to be alone.”
As those words came tumbling out of her mouth, she regretted them. Alexi—on the other hand—didn’t seem to mind.
He simply took a step back, and gave a nod.
“Very well,” he said. “I’ll let you continue pouting and fuming. I only wanted to make sure you were all right. I do care about you, Elle. I’m sure that’s hard for you to believe, after the life you were subjected to at the Crystal Keep. But, I actually mean what I say.”
Her face softened, and she sighed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any offense.”
He gave her a look—one w
here he wore a sidelong smirk. “It’ll take a lot more than that to offend me, little wolf.”
Tilting her head, she got a better look at him in the moonlight. Little wolf? That’s exactly what Alexi called her that fateful night they buried the dead dragon together.
“That’s good,” she said, still staring at him, and how his eyes began to glow in the darkness. “I suppose.”
“What are you running from, anyway? I’m not offended that the dragon king wants you for himself. Any man who was lucky enough to get to know you would.”
Shrugging, she joined him as he sat on the top step of the wide staircase that wrapped around the corner of the palace.
“It’s just the uncertainty of it all,” she said, resting her elbows on her thighs as she cradled her head in her hands. “Seeing King Thane again. Your mother’s sickness. Meeting your brothers, and all of the courtiers of Castilan. It’s just all a bit overwhelming.”
“I understand. Completely,” he said.
There was something soothing about his voice, and presence. Like magic, just having him near calmed her spirit.
Maybe she didn’t mind him sharing her solitude after all.
She looked up to the sky, almost as if searching for the gold of King Thane’s wings.
“It seems you actually weren’t treated too poorly during your time in Shiran. I can see why you responded the way you did when I first asked. You weren’t mistreated. You were adored.”
“You’re right.” She continued her search of the sky as she recalled Shiran and all of its enchanting splendor. “It was frightening, at first. But, King Thane was always kind to me.”
Alexi chuckled into his fist, and shook his head. “Leave it to a wolf to bring the dragon king to his knees.”
She shot him a look. “I’m only half wolf.”
Shrugging, he stood. “All you need is a drop of wolf blood to be superior to all other races.”
She shook her head. “You truly believe that? I don’t think I’m better than anybody.”
“Tell that to the armies heading this way,” he mumbled.
“What was that?” Elle asked, shooting to her feet. “Don’t tell me I have something to do with the war that’s coming.”
Alexi looked to her, all humor in his face drained. “I didn’t want to alarm you.”
Folding her arms across her chest, her eyes widened. “Someone better start telling me what’s going on, or I’m leaving. I’ll leave right now. I swear it.”
He took her by the arms, and unfolded them. “That won’t be necessary,” he said. “Getting all riled up for no reason.”
“It’s a very valid reason,” she reminded him. “War is perhaps the best reason.”
“Fine,” he said, and started walking down the stone steps that led into the vast garden.
Mouth parted, her brows furrowed.
“Coming?” Alexi asked, glancing over his shoulder at her.
She gathered her skirts and hurried down the stairs to catch up.
Under the bright, moonlight Elle and Alexi walked through the garden.
“It’s a full moon,” he said, glancing upward to the inky, black sky.
She followed his gaze, captivated by the glittering stars, and utter enchantment of the moon.
“It is,” she agreed, impatient to hear more about the war.
“You do know what that means for us?”
Shrugging, she sighed. “You’re stronger,” she said, apathetic.
He stood, and she nearly fell into him.
“You really don’t know much about your own kind, do you?”
Elle groaned. “You’re stalling.”
He took her by the face, and leaned close. “No, you innocent creature. I’m trying to educate you.”
She gulped, her heart racing at his touch—the sheer closeness of their bodies in the cold, dead of night.
As he stroked her cheek with his thumb, her entire body tensed. In the midst of lush wintry white bushes with red blooming flowers laced with black streaks, she wondered if anyone could see them from that far from the palace. His scent clung to her, and in the air between them.
“The world is in arms because of you, Elle,” he said, in a whisper that made her skin crawl. The heat from his breath on her ear weakened her.
She resisted. She needed a level head, and a lucid mind, but his very touch made her betray her senses. What was this power he had over her?
She leaned into him, and nodded, her face pressed against his chest.
They shared a delicious warmth that erased all traces of the cold wind.
“You come from a line of royalty, Elle. Royalty that holds a great power that can bring the entire Enchanted Kingdom to ruin.”
She breathed him in, and his hands smoothed down her back to rest on her lower back. “What power is that?”
“I wish I knew the answer to that. I was hoping you’d be able to tell me.”
Of course.
Frustrated, she pulled away, and headed back toward the palace.
“What a great help you’ve been, your highness,” she said, trudging her way up the path.
“But, its the fae side they really want,” he shouted after her. “The side your mother passed to you.”
A chill ran up her entire body, and she abruptly stopped in her tracks.
“What do you know about my mother?” Elle asked, and Alexi reached a hand out for her.
“Trust me, and I’ll tell you everything I know.”
Staring down at his hand, she chewed the inside of her lip. With a nod, she accepted his hand.
“Very well,” she said. “But, don’t waste my time.”
He pulled her close and looked deep into her eyes. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
They left the palace behind, walking far into the field that led to the forest. Once they reached the guarded gate, the two soldiers standing at their post opened the heavy, black gate and stepped aside without a word.
Alexi led her into the darkness, away from the palace grounds, and deep into the forest.
The scent of the wild was exhilarating, especially with the wine flowing through her veins.
He held her by the hand, and she knew she was secure and safe by his side. As he guided her through the dark, her eyes began to adjust to the black cloak covering the forest, and peered at the white trees and wiry branches extended over them like claws or long fingers.
“Where are we going?” Elle asked, frowning at the eerie setting.
“Ruins,” he said under his breath, as if someone would hear them if they spoke too loudly.
She looked ahead, eyes widening as the moonlight illuminated the stone of an old temple.
She slowed, an icy fear pinching her skin. Something about that place gave her chills. The roof was mostly gone, as if smashed by something massive, and only a few pillars were still upright.
As they stepped closer, the air grew thick, tense.
She stood close to him, so close that their arms were pressed together.
In the darkness, wolves began to creep from the trees. She held her breath, unsure of what to do as they approached, sniffing her. Their white fur rustled in the wind, as their large paws padded along the ground, the sound carrying along the silent night.
There were three medium-sized wolves, and one massive wolf who led the way. Even from just the sight of them, Elle knew they weren’t shifters.
These were real wolves.
Alexi kept still, but whispered to her. “Don’t be afraid.”
Easier said than done.
The wet nose of the biggest wolf touched her hand. Bright, silver eyes looked up to her and for a moment, she was certain the wolf read her soul.
Then, it turned and walked toward the ruins. It stepped to the top of the stone formation, and howled. The other followed and joined in, their howls filling the forest.
Alexi turned to her. “Seems they trust you,” he said
, and gave her hand a squeeze.”
“That’s good, I suppose,” she said, watching them.
“Now, just watch.”
Brows furrowed, she looked ahead. Her lips parted, and she drew in a breath as the four wolves became encased in fog, and a bright, blue light that shot upward toward the sky.
As it grew, and spread out, images began to waver above them.
Her heart raced as the wolves all turned, and faced her, their eyes portals of light that shot toward her before she could move, or react.
The blue aura crashed into her body, and filled her like a lightning bolt. She cried out, and as she did so, her head fell back and the light erupted from her throat, and into the sky.
Every inch of her body became hot as she was lifted from the ground and held captive in mid-air.
She reached for Alexi, but he faded into darkness.
In the quiet space between midnight and the darkest hours, Elle floated through the foggy mist that coiled and wrapped around her ankles.
The cold chill in the air was gone, and all that remained was the sweet hum of her breaths.
A rush of calm washed over her, caressing her face, and untangling her hair as she wavered through the sky.
What’s happening?
“Stay calm,” Matthias repeated, his voice like a welcome chant in her dreams.
Her eyes popped open and she darted left and right to see where his voice was coming from.
“Where are you, Alexi?” Elle asked, wrapping her arms around herself in a tight embrace. “I need you.”
Suddenly, she felt exposed, as if she was being watched, yet she saw no one around. Just dark, and fog.
“I’m right here,” he said, his voice soft and soothing. “I’ll always be right here.”
“But, I don’t see you,” she said, matching his quiet tone.
“Don’t worry. I’m here. Just relax and let the magic take over you. Trust me, it won’t hurt you. The wolf god has seen you and deemed you worthy.”
Her entire body flooded with cold.
The wolf god?